Essential Guide To Lemon Myrtle & Lemon Myrtle Recipe Ideas

Essential Guide To Lemon Myrtle & Lemon Myrtle Recipe Ideas

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Lemon myrtle - an Australian native also known as lemon-scented verbena, sweet verbena tree, sweet verbena myrtle and lemon-scented Backhousia - is prized for its herbacious lemon scent, and has been used in Australian cooking for millennia.

The leafy, verdant shrub grows naturally in the wetter coastal areas of northern New South Wales and southern Queensland, with its bright green leaves sending its signature scent through the air for hundreds of metres.

Over the past decade, contemporary culinary interest in this native plant has boomed thanks to its unique flavour, intoxicating scent, and our increased understanding of its health benefits.

Explore the refreshing and versatile flavour of lemon myrtle

Lemon myrtle's blend of aromatics can transform even the most bland of dishes. Said to taste like "a more lemony lemon," the sweet-yet-zingy flavour delivers intense citrus notes that are perfect for both savoury and sweet dishes.

Commonly available in dried form, lemon myrtle is easily added to desserts, marinades and rubs for steaks, roasts and other hearty meat dishes. As well as its culinary applications, the bold flavours of lemon myrtle have found their way into the creation of distilled spirits, and the botanical can be used in cocktails, liqueurs and herbal tea blends.

Experiment with delicious lemon myrtle recipe ideas

Whether you use it fresh or dried, lemon myrtle makes a delicious addition to many recipes, adding an unexpectedly fresh zing to food. Integrate the aromatic into everyday cooking and experiment with these lemon myrtle recipe ideas: 

Bake with lemon myrtle

Baking a cake that requires a dash of citrus? Try adding a sprinkle of lemon myrtle. Ground lemon myrtle powder can amp up the cake's flavour without overpowering the sweetness.

Make a no-fuss flatbread infused with lemon myrtle. Simply combine a cup of Greek yoghurt, a tablespoon of dried lemon myrtle and one and a half cups of self-raising flour. Sift the dry ingredients together, add the yoghurt, and knead until it reaches a soft, pliable consistency. Then separate the dough into small balls, flatten and cook the bread in a frying pan with a little butter or oil.

Lemon myrtle can be added to cakes, biscuits and other baked goodies as well; the options are almost limitless.

Lemon myrtle marinades and rubs

The fresh vibrancy of lemon myrtle adds a sparkle to creates marinades and rubs for meat dishes. Create a simple lemon myrtle recipe for chicken by combining 4-5 chicken thighs, one teaspoon each of freshly grated garlic and ginger, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and two teaspoons of ground lemon myrtle leaves. Mix all ingredients in a bowl, set aside in the fridge to marinate for about an hour before you begin cooking the chicken.

The flavour profile of lemon myrtle has similarities to lemongrass, so try subbing in lemon myrtle in your favourite Asian stir-fry dishes.

Lemon myrtle oil-infusion

Add an extra dimension to your salad dressings and finishing oils with lemon myrtle. Take two tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of one lime, half a teaspoon of ground lemon myrtle leaves and one teaspoon of honey — mix well and drizzle over just about any savoury dish you can think of.

Brew lemon myrtle tea

Add lemon myrtle to fruit punches, cocktails and sodas for an addictive zing. Make a simple lemon myrtle syrup by boiling a little of the dried leaves in water with sugar, allowing it to cool then using it as a base for any drink that calls for lemon or lime. 

Lemon myrtle works beautifully in a soothing, digestive tea paired with mint or cinnamon. Simply boil two cups of water and add 8-10 fresh lemon myrtle leaves to your teapot. Allow the leaves to steep for 5-7 minutes, strain and serve with a pinch of cinnamon powder or a sprig of mint leaves. Create a refreshing iced version by chilling the liquid in the fridge for a few hours then adding your favourite sweetener.

Discover premium lemon myrtle products at The Essential Ingredient 

No matter how you choose to use it, lemon myrtle is a striking addition to your herb and spice collection. Whether you're trying a lemon myrtle recipe with fish or making pesto with lemon myrtle, our carefully sourced ground lemon myrtle or lemon myrtle sprinkle from our collection of Native Australian ingredients will change the way you think about flavour, and make it easy to integrate indigenous flavours into your repertoire.

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